Corrective Exercise Workout
Get rid of musculoskeletal pain...utilizing The BioMechanics Method
Service Description
Corrective exercise is like a corrective lens. It changes your view of the world. Not like glasses or contacts, though. More like an implantable collamer lens (ICL), a permanent corrective lens implanted within the eye. The best thing no one has ever heard of. Just like corrective exercise. Most people have muscle imbalances that lead to faulty movement patterns and increase the risk for injury. Corrective exercise fixes those imbalances by restoring proper length-tension ratios in the affected muscles. This leads to sound movement patterns that not only reduce risk for injury but also improve quality of life. People who undergo corrective exercise typically see results immediately (just like putting on their first pair of glasses). Something chronically painful is now pain-free. Initially, the new movement patterns may come and go without conscious effort, but, in due time, they become second nature and permanent (just like the aforementioned ICL). In your corrective exercise workout, we'll emphasize correct movement patterns and length-tension muscle relationships according to the revolutionary techniques of The BioMechanics Method (TBMM), Functional Movement Systems (FMS), and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). You'll feel better and wonder how you ever lived any other way.

Contact Details
One Mifflin Place, Suite 400, Cambridge MA 02138-4946